Our Mission:
Vet Tech Café is a podcast centered around Veterinary Technicians and Veterinary Nurses. We strive to discuss current issues faced by Veterinary Technicians and Veterinary Nurses and give our colleagues a voice and a medium to enter into these discussions. We hope to be a resource for continued growth and education in our listeners. With over 55 years of combined experience in the field and varied connections with other Technicians and Nurses, we will also bring to light other career paths that aren’t strictly working in the hospital setting.

“I hope for Vet Tech Café to be a place where veterinary technicians, both new and those that have been around the block a few times, can listen and get insight on current issues plaguing our field, advice on how to navigate these situations, and ideas about where their career could go next. As I enter my 30th year in this field, I’m at a crossroads about where I want to go next. I frequently entertain the idea of getting out of the field altogether, and I know there are many more like me. Let’s sit down, have a cup of coffee, and talk about all of this and see what we can come up with.”
— Jeff
“My goal for the Vet Tech Café is to give our listeners some insight on the issues that we face every day. I want to bring our listeners a show where they can hear from not just Jeff and I, but from other experts in our field that have found a way to advance in their careers. The veterinary community is starving for technicians and nurses right now. One of the big reasons for this is that good technicians are leaving for other careers to get away from the issues that we as technicians and nurses face. I hope that with insightful discussions about how to deal with these issues that we can convince some of these technicians to stay in the field and make it better.”
— Dave
About Jeff:
Jeff started as a veterinary assistant in general practice in 1995 and began working in ECC in 2004. He became an RVT in 2009 and VTS(ECC) in 2013. He serves on the Board of Directors for the California RVT Association, and was President from 2020-2022. After 4 years in academia at Tufts University, he relocated back to Southern California with his wife and is a senior veterinary technician for the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. He is also a frequent lecturer and speaker with a focus on toxicology. He co-founded the Vet Tech Café podcast with Dave Cowan in 2019, talking about issues that face the veterinary technician profession with leaders in the field, and all of the amazing opportunities of the veterinary technician profession.
About Dave:
Dave Cowan BA, CVT, VTS(ECC) has over 25 years in the veterinary field. In 2013, Dave passed the Academy of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Technician (AVECCT) exam and became a Veterinary Technician Specialist (VTS) in Emergency and Critical Care. Dave moved from New Hampshire to North Carolina in 2016 and has been a technician supervisor, an education and training coordinator, and lead instructor at a veterinary technician program. Dave now works relief shifts and provides CE and training for Action Vet Tech Services.
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